Connecting the dots
We get to the bottom of the causes and reveal patterns
Patterns shape our world. They can enable but also hinder. Those who know how to interpret and exploit patterns and interdependencies can use them to improve the present. Can invent and implement new and step-changing ways of doing things. Can provide meaning and direction. Understanding patterns and creating connections is one of the essential management tasks of the 21st century – a key competence for effective management in a world that is becoming ever more complex.
Connecting the dots to form new patterns is often challenging. Habits and anecdotal evidence often drive our decision-making. Small things seem big. Or are made big, while the root causes remain unspoken. Context and connections are neglected, and the seemingly obvious goes unchallenged. Empty buzzwords, hectic conversations and analyses, and the urgency of the next deadline prevent us from identifying the real and essential interdependencies.
Where do the real levers lie? What is beneath the seemingly obvious? What is cause and what is effect? And what really determines causal relationships in the real context of an organization? Our support takes the shape not only of advice but also research and publication. Together with other researchers and experts, and increasingly also with our clients. Out of curiosity, a sense of responsibility, and the satisfaction of finding success by digging deep. And to enable new insights and perspectives. To learn together and to sharpen our understanding. To integrate valuable (inter)national experience and insights into new solutions and project designs. The main areas of our application-oriented research are management theory, organizational sociology, systems theory, public management, and governance and performance-oriented management.
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Competence Area "Viability and Effectiveness of Organizations"
Organizations are multi-layered social systems. What influences their viability and effectiveness? How do they deal with change? How do they process complexity? How must formal structures, decision-making and communication processes be designed for maximum viability and effectiveness? How can hierarchical structures and heterarchical processes be combined in the best possible way?
These are some of the questions that interest us in this competence area. To this end, we build on current research in organization and systems theory, particularly the work of the British systems theorist Stafford Beer and his Viable System Model.

(Source: Lassl 2019 based on Beer 1995)
Our current research focus: Concept Study "VSM 2.0"
Over 50 years ago, Stafford Beer published the Viable System Model (VSM). It was ahead of its time in many aspects, and in the face of ubiquitous complexity and volatility, it seems more relevant than ever. With the VSM, Stafford Beer offered us lasting valuable insights into the viability and design of organizations.
Since its publication in 1972, the world has evolved, and so has our view of the VSM and organizations in general: through 50 years of experience applying the VSM, new scientific findings, or changes in how modern organizations function. This prompted us to take a fresh look at the VSM system and ask what the next development stage of the VSM, a "VSM 2.0", might look like.
- You can find our thoughts and suggestions for the further development of the VSM in our concept study, which we presented at the Metaphorum Conference 2023. You can download the study and our newly developed version of the VSM in a higher resolution here.
To help us keep you informed, we invite you to provide us with your contact information in the process. - Do you have ideas for improving or extending our concept study or hints where we have got or interpreted something wrong? We look forward to hearing from you and sharing your thoughts:

(Source: Lassl 2023 based on Beer 1995)
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Our Publications
- Lassl, W., The Viability of Organizations Vol. 1: Decoding the „DNA“ of Organizations. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
- Lassl, W., The Viability of Organizations Vol. 2: Diagnosing and Governing Organizations. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
- Lassl, W., The Viability of Organizations Vol. 3: Designing and Changing Organizations. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

- Lassl, W., „Covid-19: why did the virus take us by surprise? What we can learn from Covid-19 about the control of systems and organizations based on the Viable System Model“., 1. Juli 2020.
- Lassl, W., „Vorsicht: Da ist weit mehr als Homeoffice und Digitalisierung“. Die Presse. 5. Februar 2021.
/5933347/vorsicht-da-ist-weit-mehr-als-homeoffice-und-digitalisierung. - Lassl, W., „New Normal – Mehr als nur „Homeoffice" und „Digitalisierung"?“ personal manager, Nr. 4/2021 (29. Juni 2021).
- Lassl, W., „Lebens(fähigkeit) im Zeichen der Vielfalt“, OrganisationsEntwicklung. Zeitschrift für Unternehmensentwicklung und Change Management, 40, Nr. 1/2021 (13. Januar 2021): 93–99.